Future of Greenland ice Sheet Science Workshop

Next generation of NASA PARCA & NSF GEOSummit Workshops

April 6th - 8th, 2022

Zoom workshop

NASA-NSF Future of Greenland ice Sheet Science Workshop

April 6th - 8th, 2022

1-4 pm US Eastern Daylight Time (UTC–4)

Sponsors: NASA Cryospheric Sciences & NSF Arctic Natural Sciences

Conveners: Timothy Bartholomaus, Winnie Chu, Mathieu Morlighem, Von Walden, Joseph MacGregor



NASA’s long-running annual PARCA meeting is merging with the NSF GEOSummit meeting to become the Future of Greenland ice Sheet Science (FOGSS) Workshop. The first workshop, April 6-8, 2022, will be online only at no cost to participants.  Subsequent workshops are anticipated at the Georgia Institute of Technology in 2023, at the University of Idaho in 2024, and at Dartmouth College in 2025.



FOGSS represents a refocus on the collaborative, community-driven spirit of early NASA PARCA and NSF GEOSummit workshops. The workshop’s mission is to identify and advise on medium-to-long-term priorities for U.S. research on the Greenland Ice Sheet.  We envision an open and interactive annual forum that advances this mission through assessment of the current state of knowledge regarding the Greenland Ice Sheet, especially on the unknown and poorly constrained processes impacting its mass balance, geophysical characteristics, and future behavior.  Additionally, we anticipate collaborative field research planning and the sharing of field best practices/COVID-19 responses.


What to expect

The focus for this workshop is to discuss the Future Of Greenland ice Sheet Science. As such we expect all participants, from students to senior scientists to participate in discussions about these future directions, and contribute during the workshop in preparing a guidance document for future ice sheet research. We anticipate that, in advance of the workshop, participants will be asked to submit a very brief slide or slides giving their perspective on the big unknowns regarding the processes and mass change of the Greenland Ice Sheet. We will not be soliciting traditional research talks regarding past or in-process research activities at this year’s workshop.

The workshop this year will take place over 3 days, for 3 hours each day. The workshop is scheduled April 6-8, from 1-4 pm EDT.

Details for workshop participants and necessary links and resources may be found at the password-protected workshop “Grand Central” page, which serves as a guide for all. The password to access this page was emailed to registered participants on Tuesday evening, April 5th. If you cannot find what you are looking for at “Grand Central,” please contact one of the workshop organizers.


  • Please complete the Registration and File Upload form by Friday, April 1, 2022


There is no registration fee; however, only those registered will be admitted onto the zoom site.