Presenting your “Big Question” slide
On Wednesday of the workshop (April 6th), we would like all attendees, regardless of experience or seniority level, to present one "big question" that you feel is necessary to better understand the Greenland Ice Sheet. Please prepare one (and only one) slide to introduce this Big Question (any additional slides will be ignored).
The goal for this portion of the workshop is to draw from our community, as broadly as possible, ideas for future research priorities, and potential strategies to address the unknowns that face us as a community. You may choose to present this 1-slide, “big question,” as a question, gap in knowledge, or assertion of what must be discovered. If you have an idea as to how our community might meet this need, please include the broadest principles of what can or should be done in your single slide.
As an example of how you might prepare this “big question” slide, we hope you (and Dr. Glen) will permit us the liberty of imagining what a certain, mid-20th century, early career scientist might submit, if he were to attend this workshop (see below).
You will have 30 - 45 seconds (depending on final schedule) to verbally present this slide. Slides will be automatically advanced at this fixed rate. These slides will not be published and no recording will be made. Communally, these slides will serve as “seeds” for the discussions to occur later in the meeting, on Thursday and Friday.
To help launch your process of defining this single slide, we are providing a template, and example slide, that you can download by clicking here.
When you have your "big question” slide complete, please complete the online form under the Register and Upload Files link and upload your single slide as a pptx or pdf file, as well as georeferenced data regarding a study area, by April 1.